10 Smiles Restored, 30 More To Go !!!!

Hello Gang,

Thanks a lot for all the generous gifts and wishes that poured in, starting last holiday season till date.

Total donations till date = $2,875, which takes care of 10 complete surgeries !!! That's Awesome

We as a team (all of us together) have changed the lives of 10 kids for the better. Just imagine, try to visualize these kids walking around their neighborhoods with a glowing smile on their face, with their heads held high. Wow, what a bright future they have ahead of them. We can feel blessed that we had a small part to play in their wonderful journey.

But, we can't stop here. We have $7,500 more to go, 30 more smiles to restore and we need the help of each and every one of you. Once again, all we ask for is $10 (feel free to donate more). But most importantly please Spread The Word Around.

Thanks for helping us change the world, one smile at a time :) !!!

Wishing you and your family a great holiday season in 2010

Lots of love